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Mikill stuðningur við baráttu Flugfreyjufélagsins

Flugfreyjufélagi Íslands hafa borist fjölmargar stuðningskveðjur á síðustu dögum meðal annars frá Evrópska flutningamanna sambandinu (European Transport Workers Federation) og Norræna flutningamannasambandinu (Nordic Transport Workers Federation).

Í yfirlýsingu ETF eru sendar baráttukveðjur frá 370 þúsund félagsmönnum um alla Evrópu en þar segir meðal annars. On behalf of the 370,000 aviation workers the ETF represents all over Europe, we would like to express our full support to your legitimate fight and tell you that you are not alone. For us at the ETF, the fight against social dumping is one of the key priorities and we will do our utmost to support you. Your case is a flagrant example of misuse of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis to force an own agenda of raising the profits for the shareholders at the expense of the workforce, which is unacceptable.”

Í yfirlýsingunni segir enn fremur að mögulegar fyrirætlanir um stofnun ‘guls’ stéttarfélags til að þrýsta á kjaralækkun séu óþekktar í siðmenntuðum ríkjum Evrópu.

Lesa má yfirlýsinguna ETF í heild sinni hér

Í yfirlýsingu NTF kemur m.a. fram að útbreiðsla Covid-19 eigi ekki að vera afsökun fyrir félagslegum undirboðum eða fjandsamlegum aðgerðum gegn kjarasamningum og stéttarfélögum. Í yfirlýsingunni segir jafnframt According the information we received from our Icelandic affiliate FFÍ, the Icelandic press has cited from a reliable source that Icelandair plans to solve the negotiations for the renewal of a collective agreement for its cabin crew by changing the negotiating union. We strongly condemn the plan and advice the company to withdraw from it. We have seen similar union busting moves from other countries and the result is never good, for any party involved.”.

Lesa má yfirlýsingu NTF í heild sinni hér


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